Dear Evolang Participants,
The conference has finally come to an end, and on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, I would like to express our gratitude to all those who were able to join us in Kyoto this last week. The conference was not without its problems, but the general opinion seems to be that it was a success. The credit for this is shared between all of those involved, but in large part goes to the diverse range of participants who attended.
This website will continue to be updated over the next few months, and will eventually host links to both a volume of student papers and to videos of a number of the plenary lectures. Participants will be notified when these become available. Also following a request at the business meeting we will also be adding a list of all participants to make it easier for people to track down people they met during the conference. This will be uploaded in a couple of weeks as we will need to give people the option of opting out if they do not wish to be included.
For those of you who will be staying in Japan for a few days, we would like to once again extend an invitation to join us this Monday for the
Tokyo Evolutionary Linguistics Forum which is being hosted by the University of Tokyo. No registration is required, so if you happen to be in Tokyo please stop by.
And finally, a reminder to mark 14-17 April 2014 in your calendar so you can join us for EvolangX in Vienna, Austria!
Thanks once again!
Luke McCrohon
on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee