The 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang IX) will be held in the historical city of Kyoto, Japan, from the 13th to 16th of March 2012.
Practical Information
Conference Venue
Floor Plan
Presentation Policies
Presentation Equipments
Social Events
Visa Information
Cancellation Policy
Name | Campus Plaza Kyoto | |
Address | 939 Higashi-Shiokoji-Cho, Nisino-Toin-Dori Shiokoji Sagaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8216, Japan | |
Tel | +(81)-75-353-9100 |
2. Rooms & Floor Plans
- Oral Presentations:
All conference and workshop oral presentation will be held in Lecture Room 1 (5F), Lecture Room 2~4 (4F), and the Seminar Rooms (5F). Please note, Seminar Room will be used only for WS and talks on March 14th afternoon. The rest of the talks will be held in Lecture Room 1~4.
- Posters Presentations:
All poster presentations will be held in the “Hall” (2F). Also the hall will be used for the Welcome Reception and Wine Party.
3. Presentation Policies
All Participants:
As we want to allow as many people to participate in discussions as possible, we ask that following oral presentations you limit yourself to asking one question per talk. We of course hope that presentations will be so thought provoking that you have multiple questions, but suggest that in such cases you chase down the presenter during a coffee break. Also please do not give your own talk during the question time.
Oral Presenters
Oral presentations are each scheduled for 20 minutes, which includes 5 minutes question time. We realize that this is shorter than many presenters may be used to, but to allow attendees to move between parallel sessions, we will be strictly enforcing this time limit. To facilitate a smooth transition between talks we ask that you check the compatibility of your laptop with the projector before your session begins, and use the question time of the previous talk to setup for your own talk.
A timekeeper will be present during each oral session and will notify you first when 10 minutes have passed, then when your 15 minutes presentation time has passed, and finally when 18 minutes has passed and you need to quickly wrap up your final question answer. We are not assigning specific session chairs to oral presentations, so we ask that during question time you choose your own questions from the audience.
Poster Presenters
We ask that poster presenters hang their poster on the specified poster board prior to the beginning of their assigned poster session. It is our expectation that authors will be present throughout the poster session to explain their work to attendees, answering any questions they may have. Some presenters tend to talk at length with only one or two people and as a result loose the opportunity to introduce their work to a wider audience. Please try to be friendly and discuss you work with all those who are interested in your poster, making arrangements to discuss it in more detail with others at a later point in time.
Invited Speakers
Please see the instructions for Oral speakers above. The only difference being that invited talks should be 30 minutes in length followed by 10 minutes for questions.
4. Presentation Time and Equipment
Oral Presentations:
Oral presentation will be 15 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes for questions.
We will not provide a computer for presentations, so please bring your own. Our projector accepts the VGA (analog) connection.

If you consider to use audio equipments or handouts, please contact us here. Although we will try our best, we cannot guarantee to provide necessary equipments. No OHP, DVD, VCR, and conventional slide machine will be available.
Poster Presentations:
Poster presentations will be assigned to one of two poster sessions which are each 2 hours in Length. Space sufficient to hang an A0 (1189 x 841 mm, approx. 33.11 × 46.81 inch) size poster vertically will be allocated to each poster. A method of fixing posters to poster boards will also be made available.
Please note; A poster presentation is more than just the display of a physical poster, it is a chance for researchers to present their work in a more interactive fashion than is generally allowed by oral presentations. Special attention is being given to poster sessions at this addition of Evolang, as given the multidisciplinary nature of our field we believe, we believe them to be a good way of communicating the results of certain types of research. Just as with oral presentations, it is the expectation that the authors be present in person to give their poster presentation, and as far as possible, to be available for questions throughout the poster session to which their poster is assigned.
4. Oral Presentation Policy
As we want to allow as many people to participate in discussions as possible, we ask that following oral presentations you limit yourself to asking one question per talk. We of course hope that presentations will be so thought provoking that you have multiple questions, but suggest that in such cases you chase down the presenter during a coffee break. Also please do not give your own talk during the question time.
Welcome Reception and Wine Party
In addition to the optional social events detailed below, the conference will host an informal welcome reception and wine party. Both of which are covered by the standard registration fees, and are open to all participants. The welcome reception will be held on the first night of the conference (13th of March) and will feature light Japanese refreshments and a selection of traditional beverages. The wine party will be held at the end of the second day of the conference (14th of March), in conjunction with the first poster session, and will be an opportunity to have a glass of while viewing the posters on display.
Kyoto is one of the world's most beautiful cities, and is the home of some of Japan's most important cultural properties, including many historic temples, shrines, palaces, gardens and castles. To give conference participants a chance to visit some of these sights we have organized a conference excursion on the afternoon of the 3rd day of the conference (15th of March) from 12.30 to 6pm. The planned excursion schedule is as follows:
- Lunch - A high-class bento `lunch box' style meal from Kinkaku restaurant.
- Visit to Kinkakuji (UNESCO World Heritage Site) - Kyoto's famous `Golden Pavilion'. A gold leaf covered temple situated neighboring a reflecting pond as part of a traditional Japanese strolling garden.
- Visit to Ryoanji (UNESCO World Heritage Site) - Site of the world's most famous dry-landscape Zen garden, but also a beautiful Buddhist temple in its own right.
- Visit to Heian Shrine - A Shinto shrine famous for its giant Torii.
- Return in time for conference dinner.
The excursion is an optional event which will cost 6,000JPY for all conference participants, which includes the cost of lunch, transport, and entrance to the above listed sights. As with the conference dinner, bookings can be made on the registration page (or can be added to a previous registration by editing its details).
View Excursion Sites in a larger map
The dinner is an optional event on the evening of the 3rd day of the conference (15th of March) which will cost 8,000JPY for regular participants and 5,000JPY for students. Bookings can be made on the registration page (or can be added to a previous registration by editing its details).The conference dinner will be held at Ganko Takasegawa Nijoen (

Take Metro Karasuma Line (Green Line, ???) at Kyoto Station. You have to transfer at Karasuma Oike (????) Station to Metro Tozai Line (Orange Line, ???). The name of the station closest to the restaurant is Kyoto Shiyakushomae (??????). Use “Exit 2” to get the street level. Walk east, and turn left at the first intersection. There is a tiny creek along a one-way street. Walk North about a block or two along the creek. .Take Metro Karasuma Line (Green Line, ???) at Kyoto Station. You have to transfer at Karasuma Oike (????) Station to Metro Tozai Line (Orange Line, ???). The name of the station closest to the restaurant is Kyoto Shiyakushomae (??????). Use “Exit 2” to get the street level. Walk east, and turn left at the first intersection. There is a tiny creek along a one-way street. Walk North about a block or two along the creek. .
The majority of international participants attending the conference will not need to arrange a visa before entering Japan, but to confirm please check that your country is included in this list of visa exempt countries. For those participants who do require a visa and who are nationals of China, Russia, NIS countries or the Philippines please see this page detailing the special procedures required to apply for a Japanese visa. We regret that due to the difficulties involved in assessing the legitimacy of applications, we will only be able to provide invitation documents for a) those presenting papers at the main conference (oral/poster) or at a workshop, or b) researchers with a documented publication history in a related field.
As was mentioned on the registration form the deadline for registration fee refunds in the event of cancellation was the 10th of February. We therefore regret to inform that we are no longer able to refund the registration fee.